Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I heaved a great sigh of relief this weekend after completing two major events.

First of all, I finished the draft for One Potato, Blue Potato, the second book in the new Sam Moore paranormal mystery series (www.mooremysteries.com). It's immensely satisfying to finish a project like that. It's my tenth book. For some reason, however, I always feel a surprising sense of loss when I type "The End." Do other writers experience this same emotional plunge? I'd love to hear from you writers out there.

Also, I completed the review of my editor's comments for Tremolo: Cry of the Loon, the third Gus LeGarde book. It will be published under the Paladin Timeless Imprint of Twilight Times Books. (Twilight Times Books is one of the top twenty publishers according to the Preditors and Editors™ 2005, a reader's annual survey of the best on the web. In addition, Twilight Times authors, artists and editors made the top twenty in several categories.)

Tremolo is a coming-of-age novel, a "literary mystery," set in the Belgrade Lakes of Maine. It's a stirring and nostalgic trip back to the summer of 1964 following President Kennedy's assassination and during the invasion of the Beatles. This is the first opportunity to meet the brilliant young Siegfried before the accident that incapacitates him. Readers will also meet Elsbeth as a child. She's fiery, adorable, and alive in this book! Gus experiences his first crush on an older "woman," deals with jealousy when he learns of the potential birth of a new sibling, and befriends a mourning, mysterious high profile guest. Gus and the twins search for a missing girl, Sharon Adamski, whom they witnessed being chased by a drunk in the foggy woods. And who is stealing religious artifact thefts from New England churches? When the villain turns on them, the anticipated lazy summer whirls out of control. (Scheduled for ebook release August 15 - September 15, 2006 and in print form summer, 2007.)

I've also updated the award winning LeGarde Mysteries website with plenty of new photos, music, and links. You'll find pictures from book clubs and signings, a new excerpt from Tremelo, and three new photo galleries filled with images of lakes, skyscapes, and winter in the Genesee Valley. This month the website was honored to receive the August 2006 Myshelf.com's website award!

The Recommended Reading page has new offerings on it, complete with reviews.

And check out the Seedlings section - there's plenty of free fiction from the monthly column that will debut in its third forum in September 2006. If you have a moment, visit Anne K. Edwards' Mysteryfiction.net. Her newsletter, Voice in the Dark, includes pieces by some wonderful authors, including Lad Moore. "Voice" is a comprehensive newsletter for literature lovers, including readers and writers. Seedlings also runs monthly at Bob Burdick's The Back Room and in the Futures Mystery Anthology Magazine.

For the writers on distribution, take a look at Nadia Brown's new website for author and book promotion: http://www.freewebs.com/authorpromotion/

There are currently six great LeGarde events scheduled in Upstate NY in the next few months. If you happen to be in the neighborhood, please stop by a Reading or a Winery Book Signing. See the Events page for details.

Before I go, I'd like to share a story with you. This summer I ended up with a bit of extra space in the garden. About a forty by forty foot patch, actually! I discovered some "volunteer" seedlings growing near last year's pumpkin patch, so I figured, "Why not save them?" I transplanted about 30 of those little guys into the "extra" space. They took off like gangbusters, filling the space immediately. When I returned from vacation, I found that most of this new patch was filled with squash plants! Summer squash, goldrush, zucchini, MiddleEaster cousa, acorn... you name it! Now, you must realize, I already planted 18 hills of squash on purpose! Needless to say, I've been bringing bagloads of all kinds of mixed hybrid squash to my friends and neighbors for weeks now. It's fun - and is keeping me in shape!

Warmest regards,

Aaron Paul Lazar


Zinnia said...

When I type 'the end' on a manuscript, I feel a 50/50 combo of elation and sadness. I grow very attached to my characters. They're almost like children you've nurtured for years and suddenly they're grown and out on their own. Oh, sure, you can return to help them grow here and there (revisions), but you know the novel is done regardless of the occassional tweaking. I sometimes think that's why authors have series. They grow so attached to their characters that they just don't want to let them go.

Reading about the squash plants made me smile. I run a small produce farm and it never ceases to amaze me how many volunteer plants I find the following growing season.

I had a cyber friend once who used the email and posting signature of: End world hunger. Plant zucchini! I still find that hilarious because it's so true!!!

Btw, I'm adding you to my blogroll.

Aaron Paul Lazar said...

Hi, Zinnia!

I love your name and your flower. I'm a mad gardener and always plant tons of zinnias - all types and sizes.

Thanks so much for your thoughts on ending a novel. You're right. I grew so attached to my characters to that I never let them go - I'm on the eighth book in the series now. LOL.

Best of luck with your produce farm!

Zinnia said...

Luck isn't what I need for the produce farm, it's more help from my boys, lol. I'm exhausted all the time, and being out in the sun and heat only makes it worse. By 7 pm I'm ready to crash for the night, but the muse is yelling, "get off your dead ass and write!"


Aaron Paul Lazar said...

Oh, man,I know precisely how you feel. I have a houseful of kids/grandkids, and it's sometimes torture getting help. My gardens are gargantuous - yeah, I know, it's my own fault! But by the time the day job is done (engineering, about 10.5 hours a day away from the home), the garden is tilled,weeded,picked; the grandson connection is satisfied, the dinner is cleaned up... oh... I'm so ready for bed at 8:00! But then I force my eyes open and let my fingers rip across the keyboard. Gotta do it. It's my salvation!

Thanks, Zinnia. Feel free to comment or email any time!