Thursday, June 20, 2024

Welcome author, Heidi Skarie!

Hello, dear friends and readers. 

Happy summer! We are in the midst of a heat wave here in the Finger Lakes region of western New York, as is much of the country. I hope you're staying cool!

Today we're featuring Heidi Skarie, a prolific and talented writer of the Star Rider series. Not only are her stories intriguing and heart-pounding, but Heidi has interwoven spiritual themes that fascinated me. See what she has to say, below!


Aaron suggested I write about the spiritual aspects of the Star Rider Series. The first book in the series, Star Rider on the Razor’s Edge, came to me in a series of six dreams. I wasn’t a novelist at the time; the story was the impetus that sparked my interest in writing. After that first novel, the next six books poured in like a river flowing into the ocean.


The series is science fiction and a cross between Star Wars and Outlander. Like Star Wars my heroes tap into a force that I call the sound current or Eternal Life Stream. This Life Force is comparable to what Christians call the Holy Spirit. 


The series is also like Star Wars in that the characters are embroiled in an interplanetary war between a totalitarian empire and freedom fighters. 


The story is like Outlander in that it deals with loving relationships in two generations of characters. Both series explore the many aspects of love, marriage, and sacrifices. Outlander explores the idea of time travel whereas the Star Rider series takes place in a futuristic world in another galaxy.


The main character in the first three books is Toemeka Ganti. She follows the Ancient Path of Light and Sound, can communicate telepathically, and travel out of the body into heavenly worlds. She marries a man who becomes the spiritual leader of the Ancient Path.


Toemeka’s son, Baymond, is the main character in the next two books and an important character in the last two. In my latest book, Heir to Jaipar, the seventh book in the series, Baymond, who has mystical abilities, travels to a distant planet to do missionary work. The evil galactic ruler captures him. His close friend Everette and Everette’s wife Morisa, set off on a dangerous mission to rescue Baymond and his family. 


Heir to Jaipar explores the themes of unconditional love, death, courage, and loyalty. The insights into life and spiritual aspects set it apart from other science fiction books.


This also happens to be the week of Heidi's newest release - Heir to Jaipar. Here's a bit about it!


 Heir to Jaipar, A Space Opera Adventure was launched Saturday, June 15th. 

The book is still at the special introductory price of 99 cents. It will be going up soon so grab one now!

Here is a review of Heir to Jaipar:

"This thrilling space opera masterfully combines intergalactic politics, mystical intrigue, and romance, making for a fast-paced and engaging read. The well-developed characters and exciting plot twists will keep you hooked from start to finish. "

-A. B. Amazon reviewer.

The previous book Golden Cord of Light: A Space Opera Adventure,which introduced Morisa, the heroine in Heir to Jaipar, is still on special for $1.99. 

Here is a review of Golden Cord of Light:

"This sci-fi/fantasy blend sucked me right in! I loved following Princess Morisa's journey of self-discovery dealing with sorcery, romance, and politics. Her fiery chemistry with Prince Everette amid the chaos was super entertaining. The dogfight scene with the starfighters was such an adrenaline rush." 

-D. W. Amazon reviewer

Golden Cord of Light

Heir to Jaipar



 Enjoy these deals while they last!

- Aaron Paul Lazar

Saturday, May 04, 2024

Spring is here! Enjoy a free eBook - The Seadog

 Spring is so therapeutic, even when you're surviving deep losses. 

As pure as can be - these backlit cherry blossoms make my heart sing. There's just something so sublime about sunlight filtering through petals. Here are a few more shots from my yard. 

So, how am I doing with the process of losing the love of my life? I'm slowly healing. I'm staying positive. I'm letting the beauty of spring buoy me up. I know it will take forever. But having a loving family to support me makes all the difference in the world. And of course, having my dog, Biscuit. He is with me 24/7 and is such a comfort. 

We discovered that the old invisible fence we had for 12 years for Balto and Amber is still functioning! So Biscuit is in training. He's doing well, but his "chase the ball" instincts are still stronger than his aversion to the flags. And he does NOT like those flags, most particularly the sound that comes when he gets close. He cried the two times it happened! (he didn't get shocked at all, just horrified at the sound that came from his collar, poor little guy!)  

I'm working on updating For Keeps: a green marble mystery. In it, Sam's wife, Rachel, is murdered, and he has to go back in time to reverse it. But the weird part is how I wrote about Sam's loss so explicitly without having really lost my wife. Now it all feels too familiar. It's hard to work on this part, but I'm pushing through. In the book, Sam gets her back again. I wish it were true in my life...

I'm sharing another eBook for free this week. It happens to be one of my favorites - set in Brewster on Cape Cod. It's the third book in the Paines Creek Beach love story series and can easily be read as a standalone. But there's much more than a typical "love story" in this - I couldkn't help but keep the mysteries and the suspense out of it. ;o) Help yourself and let me know what you think of it!



***Winner of the 2016 Best Indie Book Award, romance category*** 



A mysterious man with no past, a troubled young woman running from hers…and a powerful love that may heal them both. 

Scout Vanderhorn has lost her mother, her home, and all hope of security. In a desperate bid to escape her abusive stepfather, she travels to a seaside mansion on Cape Cod in search of the real father she never knew—and finds a secret sister who welcomes her into the family, troubles and all. But it’s not long before trouble comes looking for Scout. 

Unaware of his past, or even his own name, Jack Remington is lost. He spends his days scavenging for survival and compulsively searching the seas in his battered old kayak. At night, alone in his beach cave, he’s haunted by nightmares. But from the moment he glimpses Scout, a powerful connection is forged that begins to bring him back from the brink. 

Neither expects to fall for the other, but Scout and Jack can’t deny their explosive mutual attraction. Can this love remake a broken man and save a woman with nothing to lose…before the past drowns them in the oncoming storm? 

Set on beautiful Cape Cod, The Seadog is a story of trauma and redemption, of mysteries and revelations -- and above all, the incredible power of love.



The Seadog audiobook will be given away to four lucky winners at this event. Just show up and comment to be eligible! This book is narrated by hugely talented Gwendolyn Druyor - you'll love hearing all the different voices she does!

From our wonderful audiobook event group leader, the award winning author and artist, Uvi Poznansky. 

"A select group of authors has joined forces with me

To bring you amazing stories, beautifully narrated.

Looking for your new favorite story? 

Join us as a GOING guest 

In this Mother’s Day celebration

For a chance to win our audiobooks:

Love Mom"


It's been gorgeous weather here in the Finger Lakes region of NY. Today it's going to 80! On May 3rd! I love it.

Allison and I got the peas planted yesterday and we bought our annuals for the porches. I love the colors and fragrances! We are excited about potting them today. 

Let me know how you're doing when you can.

Bless you all,

Aaron Lazar

PS You know I love hearing from you. Write if you like, and if you have thoughts about any of the books above, please let me know!


Monday, March 25, 2024

Two free eBooks today!

FREE eBook 3/25 - 3/29/24


Fifty years ago, Sam Moore’s little brother Billy vanished without a trace—leaving Sam with guilt that haunts him to this day. Fifty years with no body, no leads, and no answers. Until now.

“The Best in the Whole Wide World is an epic western saga, steeped in delicious portrayals of nature, love, and the best of family life.” Aaron Paul Lazar, USA Today bestselling author

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Spring is almost here - and free eBooks!

 Welcome, dear friends and readers. 


Spring is coming!

I saw my snowdrops happily nodding their pristine white heads the other day. And the purple crocus as coming up in their usual spots and in some surprising areas, where I guess the chipmunks moved them very steathily. Little rascals.

I love it. Spring makes my spirits soar, even in this time of huge adjustment.

Free eBooks

Today I'm going to share two FREE eBooks with you, Robert Sells' new romantic murder mystery, An Affair with Murder, and my first "Young Gus" mystery from the LeGarde Mystery series, Tremolo: cry of the loon. 

An Affair with Murder

Rob Sells is an all-round great guy. One of the best I've ever known. Compassionate, giving, and more. Oh, and he can also write!!! So I took him on as a client ;o) (Just for the record, I don't get any money for promoting clients' books that I love and believe in - I just want to share.) 


FREE 3/18 - 3/22/24.

An Affair with Murder is set in a small town and bristles with intrigue, suspense, and plot-twisting romance. The main character is a writer (who doesn't love that?), but past traumas haunt her. 

When a a formerly dormant serial killer starts stealing and murdering women, she wants to help, and reaches out to old friends on the police force. But she doesn't know who to trust, and has very good reasons to doubt each one.

Here's the official book blurb:


Devastated by the murder of her best friend after the prom, Rebecca has a nervous breakdown and flees her hometown. 

Twelve years later, now a successful author, she struggles with agoraphobia. Her therapist insists she return home for closure. But when she arrives, she's horrified to find there’s been another grisly murder identical to the first one.

The three officers of the law handling the investigation are former friends of Rebecca and, coincidentally, love interests in high school. Knowing she is writing a murder-mystery, the three men agree to share their findings with her. Rebecca stumbles upon a note from the original homicide suggesting that the killer has be one of the three investigators. But which one?  

Not knowing who to trust, Rebecca decides to solve the case on her own. As she gets closer to uncovering the truth, it looks like she will be the next victim.


Grab a copy of the free eBook this week


NEXT: One of my books will be free in parallel with Rob's book. 

Tremolo: cry of the loon, book one in the "Young Gus Mysteries."

Get your free eBook March 18th - 22nd.  

"As in other great literary works, the description of meals, pastimes and interests are a wonderful satisfying eavesdropping that takes this babyboomer back to a slower time. There is an innocence that is difficult to find in current living and yet these young people still were presented with the evils we all have in our lives today."  - DC from Washington

Summer, 1964: Beatlemania hits the States, and the world mourns the loss of JFK. 

For eleven-year-old Gus LeGarde, the powerful events that rocked the nation serve as a backdrop for the most challenging summer of his life. After Gus and his best friends capsize their boat at his grandparents’ lakeside camp, they witness a drunk chasing a girl through the foggy Maine woods. She’s scared. She’s hurt. And she disappears. 

The camp is thrown into turmoil as the frantic search for Sharon begins. Reports of stolen relics arise, including a church bell cast by Paul Revere. When Gus stumbles on a scepter that may be part of the spoils, he becomes a target for the evil lurking around the lake. 

Will he find Sharon before the villain does? And how can Gus--armed only with a big heart, a motorboat, and a nosy beagle--survive the menacing attacks on his life?


This is the actual "Loon Harbor" Camp where Gus spent his childhood summers. It was named "Snug Harbor" in real life and belonged to my grandparents. This is a photo of the cabin Gus lived in, "Wee Castle." See the that room that juts out front? That's where Gus and Shadow slept. And there's his grandfather's boat, rocking in the waves.

I loved writing this book. It basically was a testimonial to the nostalgia I felt for "Camp," one of the best parts of my childhood. It's not there anymore, but I wanted to keep it alive, as it still is in my memory. The mysteries that go on in the background are just gravy, ha ha. 

"Anyone who's read any of Aaron Paul Lazar's Gus LeGarde mysteries will recognize the protagonist in this coming of age novel. Young Gus hangs out round the lake with his friends Siegfried and Elsbeth, slowly learning that girls are not boys, just beginning to feel that protectiveness and curiosity that give depth to his later life. JFK's death was recent news; someone's robbing local churches; and a young girl has disappeared--the safety of childhood is tipping on the cusp of slipping away." - Sheila Deeth


If you enjoy Tremolo, there are two more books in the "Young Gus" series. 

Don't Let the Wind Catch You is the second book. 

"Aaron Paul Lazar has written a beautiful story, one that will stay with me for a long time. The characters have become friends I don’t want to lose. I laughed out loud at some of their antics, held my breath in some places, and at times wiped away tears...Lazar’s writing flows smoothly throughout; he created scenes so rich I felt I was there and shared in the experiences. Don’t Let the Wind Catch You is a coming of age story that reveals deep understanding of the human condition. There’s tragedy, humor, compassion, and love. It touched me on many levels--definitely a keeper."  -- Ellis, Amazon reviewer

Voodoo Summer finishes up the Young Gus series.

"Voodoo Summer by Aaron Paul Lazar is an incredible read. Although it is actually the 11th book in the LeGarde Mysteries, this one flashes back to the summer when Gus is 13. There have been so many references to this summer in the previous books, yet I was strangely unprepared for the impact it would have on me. Lazar is a master of the details and that has always been my favorite aspect of his writings. In Voodoo Summer, I was brought back to childhood emotions and misunderstandings. Wanting so much to grasp the adult world and being too far removed from the facts to reach the realities. Although I already knew the events told in this novel, the emotions are astounding. This is an excellent read, as are all books in this series. Lazar is a master. And Voodoo Summer is flawless." Marsha Jean Thalleen  

So, I'm moving through this whole process of losing the love of  my life. Above is a picture Alli took of my hand over Dale's. I cherish it. She had such petite hands and feet. 

Anyway, I'm okay. I'm keeping extremely busy... yet I'd be lying if I said it was easy. I still feel kind of raw and broken inside, but on the outside, I'm functioning, laughing with grandkids and dog, and starting to heal. 

Bless you all, 

Aaron Lazar 

PS You know I love hearing from you. Write if you like, and if you have thoughts about any of the books above, please let me know!

Monday, March 04, 2024

Thank you and two free eBooks!

 Hello, friends.


I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the heartfelt messages you sent about my loss of Dale this week. They comforted me and were beautiful. I actually answered each and every one, but then yesterday I discovered that  all of the replies I sent out of my "lazarbooks" mailbox were stuck in the "outbox." A lot of them! Ugh, so frustrating! 


I'll have to call the host company again (bluehost) to find out how to fix it. Been working to get this thing operational since Feb. 2nd as you know. But I'll get there. And next week I'm actually going to start redesigning www.lazarbooks so that when you click on it, you'll get a real page. 


Meanwhile, as a thank you and as promised, here is the info about the free eBooks. 

Noble Souls: FREE eBook from March 3rd - 8th. 


I promised to tell you about two new books which were just released by my authors. Today I'm sharing the first of the two, the second book in Nattalia Nealls' Rocky Mountain Trilogy, Noble Souls. 


I've been working with Nattalia on her novels for the past few years, and it has been an incredible delight! We've known each other since the old "" days. I think it's been 17 years? Some of you will remember this distinctive social media site that had great artistic support from all over. We had a super writing group and I spent most of my Saturday mornings writing pieces for my "column." I'm still connected to many of the remarkable people I met there, including Nattalia. ;o)


There is no guarantee that when a writer hires me that the book will be phenomenal or supremely satisfying to work on, as you can imagine, and of course you take a chance when you engage in such an arrangement. But in this case, I really hit the jackpot. I absolutely loved Noble Souls (and its predecessor, Best in the Whole Wide World, book 1 in the trilogy).


Living in this parallel universe as we polished and perfected and challenged ourselves to make this book the best it can be was...magnificent. I fell in love with the characters, the farm, nature in the wild, and the Rockies. While watching James and Tracy live their life in current days, Tracy uncovers a diary from James' great grandmother, which propelled me into another century. I learned so much about life in the 1860s, and much more.



Here's the synopsis from the back of the print book:


Noble Souls, Book 2 in the Rocky Mountain Trilogy

In the spring of 1862, when eighteen-year-old Maria Elena Jaramillo is coerced by an unscrupulous uncle into an undesirable marriage, she accompanies her illegitimate husband on a dangerous journey across the Great Basin Desert, only to be subjected to a violent raid upon the travelers. 


Maria is rescued when a mysterious rider swings her upon his horse, sweeping her into another world. Within his protective mountain shelter, hunter-warrior Pateheya gently shows Maria a life more civilized and comfortable than any she has known. 


Joining their destinies to become kindred souls, they steal as much time together as possible before returning to their former lives. Can they ever forget what they’ve shared? Will they find a way back into each other’s embrace? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain—Noble Souls is story that will capture your heart and stay with you long after you finish the last page.


Noble Souls continues the brilliant western saga, The Rocky Mountain Trilogy. A deep love of nature and humanity shines brightly in this stunning novel. Highly recommended.” Aaron Paul Lazar, USA Today bestselling author


The only reason I'm not too sad about finishing this book, is that I get to work with Nattalia on her third book in the series, Under A Canopy of Sky. We're starting soon!

As a celebration of the new book being finished and available, I decided to grab on of the LeGarde Mysteries and make it free for the same time this week.  


From March 3rd - 8th The Return, book 13 in the LeGarde Mystery series, will be free. This book can be easily read as a standalone.



Here's the blurb in case you haven't read this one: 


Sometimes the past won’t be laid to rest.

Music professor Gus LeGarde has been happily married to his second wife, Camille, years after his first wife, Elsbeth, leapt to her death from the Letchworth Gorge cliffs. But when he starts seeing a woman around town who looks exactly like Elsbeth, his marriage and sanity are thrown into chaos.Is she a ghost? A figment of his imagination? Or has there been some kind of horrible mistake, and could Elsbeth still be alive?

As if the shock of glimpsing his dead wife, seemingly in the flesh, weren’t enough, the LeGarde household is struggling with the arrival of strange new neighbors. The Silvermans are secretive and unapproachable from the start—patriarch Ezekiel is hostile and threatening, his adult daughter Serena is clearly terrified, and her teenage son Eli shows signs of abuse. At first they avoid the troubled family, but that becomes impossible when Gus’ daughter, Shelby, starts falling for Eli.

After a string of dangerous events culminates in the elder Silverman holding a shotgun on the two teens when discovered in flagrante delicato, Gus forbids Shelby from seeing the boy. But soon after things are broken off, Shelby and Eli abruptly vanish, plunging both families into panic.As the Silvermans’ dark past is slowly revealed, Shelby’s life hangs in the balance. Just how far will this family go to protect their secrets?


"The book is fast paced, drawing you in from the first chapter, and progressing with exciting turns in a way that the book is always pleasurable and satisfying, and even the worst antagonists are treated with empathy. Lazar is a master craftsman and pays careful attention to language, plot, pacing and character so that all of the elements tie together neatly and seamlessly, description charged with rich nostalgia." - Magdalena Ball

The Return - free this week!

Thank you again for your amazing response to my loss of Dale. 


Biscuit wants to play fetch some more (never ending, ha ha) and wanted to say hi to you all, as well as to encourage me to stop typing!






Next time I'm going to share Rob Sells new book - it's a wonderful murder mystery called An Affair with Murder. But hold tight, we may have a big sale coming up for it. ;o)


All my best wishes,


Aaron Lazar